Emergency school built on grave site for Indonesian children

  • 4 years ago
Dozens of elementary and junior high school students appeared enthusiastic to learn about activities around their settlements in the public grave area of ​​Dadi, Makassar City in the South Sulawesi Province in Indonesia on Tuesday. (July 7)

The students were not like other locals who are currently undergoing online learning processes with a sense of comfort in their respective homes.

Economic limitations forced these students toward another route, even if they had to move forward with educational activities on a gravesite.

Children who live in the public cemetery area are forced to study together on a tombstone in order to get free internet access provided by the Balla Online Emergency School.

That way, they can still take lessons in their respective schools online.

The online emergency school can be realized with the initiation of Bhabinkamtimas from Mamajang Aiptu Paleweri Sector Police together with local residents.

Not only providing free Wi-Fi, schools in Kampung Tumpang, Jalan Anuang, Lorong 146, Maricaya Selatan Sub-district, Mamajang District are also assisted by outstanding teachers and students as a companion.

Balla Online Emergency School also accommodates street children to continue getting a proper education.

The support of the local government in helping educational facilities and infrastructure is clearly needed so that this educational solution can survive.

Footage: Indra Abriyanto / Opn Images