Chaitra Navaratri 2018: People worship Maa Skandamata on the fifth day

  • 4 years ago
The fifth day of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Skandamata, the fifth manifestation of Goddess Durga and the mother of Lord Kartikeya, who was chosen by the devatas as their commander in chief in the war against the demons. The image of Devi Skandamata portrays her holding Lord Skanda in his infant form and a lotus in her right hand. She has four arms, three eyes, and a bright complexion. She is also called as Padamasani since she is often depicted seated on a lotus flower in her idol. She is also worshiped in the form of Parvati, Maheshwari or Mata Gauri. The left arm of the goddess is in a pose to grant boons with grace to her devotees.
