Alleged drunk man smashes windscreen of parked car and climbs inside to sleep in China

  • 4 years ago
An alleged drunk man smashed the windscreen of a parked car and climbed inside to sleep in eastern China.

The video, filmed in the city of Yantai in Shandong Province on April 29, shows a man using his foot to kick the side of a white car repeatedly.

In another clip, the man was seen lifting up a broken bollard and throwing it at the rear windscreen of another parked white car. He then climbed into the car through the hole in the windscreen.

A resident named Liu witnessed the incident when walking past and called the police.

According to reports, five parked cars have been smashed by the alleged drunk man.

The police finally found the man lying inside the damaged car and called the ambulance.

The man finally sobered after more than ten hours and was arrested by the police. The case is in further investigation.

The video was provided by local media with permission.