Underhand Behind Neck Pullups 7 sets X 236lb

  • 5 years ago
Started off the early Sunday A.M. workout with Pullups. Sets 1-4 were three complete reps, touching the bar at the top of each rep where as sets 5&6 were 2 complete reps. Final set, #7, was a single rep held at the top for as long as possible finished with and L-Sit negative.
I started doing these about 25 years ago just experimenting during a workout and immediately fell in love with them. They are a bit stressful on the Ulnar part of the wrists at first which is just a mobility issue. The put a great amount of tension on the Biceps at the top. For me personally, they help an old shoulder injury believe it or not. I can't recommend these enough!! You got to try them out!! Good Luck & God Bless!!