Not Finding Clients Why Using Facebook For Marketing Will Help You
  • 4 years ago
If you’re an entrepreneur, the life of your business is finding clients. Using Facebook for marketing is one of the best ways to go about doing this and in this video I explain why that is.
But first, I want to talk about why you’re not getting as many clients as you hoped for.
The biggest reason is that you’re trying to use too many social media platforms at one time. Sure, many successful entrepreneurs use multiple platforms to find clients. But they didn’t start out that way. It’s important to be successful in one area before trying to expand to other sites.
What I recommend for finding clients is to start out using Facebook for marketing.
Youtube is going to be a long game if you don’t have a link that will allow people to enter their email address. To make the most out of Instagram, you’ll also need to have a link so that people can enter their info and you can give them something free.
The beauty of Facebook ads is that they give you immediate feedback. If something’s not working, you can change your offer and see the results very quickly.
You can also target specific people. There are plenty of people on Facebook, so you can find your niche and attract an audience.
A lot has changed since the days of paper flyers. I used to have to spend a lot of money on flyers and then hope that they would be effective. When using Facebook for marketing, you can react as you see fit without having to go back to square one.
If you’re not finding clients, don’t give up. Use these tips and be sure to download the free guide for even more advice.