Carlos Menem proceso de hiperinflacion en Argentina 1990

  • hace 5 años
Chile: President Carlos Menem's press conference where he expresses: - "I am optimistic, we expected this situation after a process of hyperinflation like the one we have experienced in the Argentine Republic since last year. Alfonsin in 1985 spoke of the seriousness of the situation in the Argentine Republic and said in one of the decrees that launched the Austral Plan, referring to the very serious crisis of 1985. That became worse and led to hyperinflation, we assumed in full hyperinflation with more than 200 percent of monthly inflation and a law of the economy after a period of hyperinflation come periods of recession.We are now with a strong inflation, with a great recession, but with the assurance that we will leave I am totally optimistic. "The fundamental weapon we are going to use is the labor sector, the business sector and the government to definitively launch the Argentine Republic; make it grow from its enormous resources and relocate it to a place of privilege, in the context of the countries of Latin America and the world. "President Menem is accompanied by Minister of Economy Domingo Cavallo and Chilean President Patricio Aylwin.
Date: 12/3/1990
Duration: 1 minute 44 seconds
Code: UG-2237

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