Protect Your Pets: Hot Car Safety - Insurance Navy Auto Insurance

  • 5 years ago
It is always repeated that you should never leave your pet or child in a parked car on warm days. But, recently a vet released a video on YouTube where he locked himself in a steamy car to display how hot it really gets and how quickly. This video really resonated with people and now more and more people are spreading awareness advising people not to leave their dogs in cars.

The video showed how on a 90 degree day, temperatures can get as hot as 117 degrees even with all four windows open. The creator of the video believes that his video got so much attention because he felt it truly conveyed how terrible it feels for a dog to be trapped in a car so hot. It is especially bad for small children or pets since they cannot open windows, or turn on the air conditioning, or open doors for some relief.

Researchers say that even on a mild 70 degree day, temperatures in the car can reach a scorching 100 degrees in just 20 minutes. That's not all. It is also important to consider just how hot the surfaces in the car can get when it is not running. On a 100 degree day the seats in a car can reach temperatures as high as 123 degrees. Even if your vehicle is parked in the shade, the seats can warm up to 105 degrees within an hour which is about how long the average grocery trip takes.

However, an hour is a very extensive amount of time. It can take as little as 15 minutes for conditions to become deadly. In other words, every second counts. In fact, in some states there are laws that prohibit leaving any animal in your car. Additionally, there are laws in some states that protect you if you smash the window to rescue a dog when you see a pet trapped in a hot car. It may lead to the vehicle's owner having a higher auto insurance cost. But, I'm sure they will be grateful for the life of their dog.

It is important to note that the best temperature for your dog is around 68 to 86 degrees. But, overall it varies a little bit with different breeds, fur thickness, and the health status of the individual dog.

Heat is especially difficult for dogs since they do not sweat, they are forced to release heat by panting which compromises their breathing and other vital organs. There are also many other qualities that decrease heat tolerance in dogs. For example, dogs with short, flat faces have a lower heat tolerance due to the increased effort to breathe and pant. A handful of other qualities that may make your dog even more sensitive to the heat include: old age, thicker fur, overweight, etc.

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