Five Ways To Shop For The Best Car Insurance - Insurance Navy Auto Insurance

  • 5 years ago
Here are five ways to shop for the best car insurance.

1. Shop The Area - Whether you are a new car owner or have been with the same company for years, take the time to shop around with different insurance companies in your area. Shopping around will allow you to see what other companies are offering and if you are getting a good deal where you are at or if you could be saving more elsewhere. Check with your current provider to see if you are eligible for any safe driving or loyalty discounts to save you more money.

2. Shop For Any Discounts - Insurance companies will often give great discounts to their customers for a number of different reasons. Common discounts you may be eligible for are safe driving discounts, good grade discounts for your teenage son or daughter, military discounts, homeowners discounts and environmental or green discounts.

3. Bundle Policies Together - Combining or bundling your insurance policies is also a good way to save money. Insurance companies want all of your business, not just one piece. Bundling things like your car, home and boat insurance polices will lower the costs. Grouping any polices you might want covered is a good idea to keep yourself more organized but it can also save you money on each of the separate plans.

4. Consider Different Policy Options - Another possible way to lower your auto insurance premium is to change your coverage options. By raising your deductible from say $500 to $1,000, you can significantly reduce the cost of your policy. It is important to remember that if you do this and get into an accident, that deductible comes out of your own pocket.

5. Don't Buy More Than You Need - While full insurance coverage is the smart and best choice for certain car owners, that may not be the case for everyone. Say if your car is old, you are no longer paying loan payments or it is worth less than a few hundred dollars, extra coverage might not be worth it. The cheapest car insurance will work for you, as it may end up costing you more in the long run if you get every type of coverage available for a beaten down or older vehicle.

There are many things that go into how insurance companies decide your rates and what types of coverage you should get. Along with that, people are often unaware of what their deductibles mean for their plans and their future with the company. The key for deductibles is to determine how much you can afford to pay out of your own pocket if you get into an accident or crash and have to file for a claim.

Our agents and customer service representatives are here to help. Call us today at 1-888-949-6289 or visit your nearest Insurance Navy Auto Insurance location. For your convenience, Insurance Navy is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. CST, 7 days a week.

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