Earthquake Definition of and how it affects us on a global scale

  • 6 years ago
Earthquake causes the earth to rattle and shake up the core. Earthquakes mostly occur in the cities that are encompassed with mountainous regions nearby. There has been many parts of the world that got affected because of it and most of cities collapsed. There was a large amount of massacre in the areas that were hit by a massive earthquake. The disaster management system has tried its best to secure people living nearby the fault lines, but these prove to be fruitless as it occurs all of a sudden. In some countries volcanic eruptions and Tsunami waves are also generated as a result of it. For those who get stuck in earthquake either die on the spot, or cannot get past their experiences of the accident. There are two types of waves p waves and s waves. In P waves there are chances of survival whereas, s waves is total destruction and causes a damage on massive scale.
