Daily Life in the time of Jesus Film

  • 6 years ago

This Unique 90-minute Movie shows life as it was 2,000 years ago in the time of Jesus. Includes Original Soundtrack 'Songs & Prayers from the old and new testament'.

30 Chapters - with interactive DVD--PC menu

1. THE LAND OF ISRAEL - To Everything There is a Season
2. THE NEW YEAR & FARMING - Be Glad, O People of Zion , Rejoice in the Lord your God
3. THE BIRTH OF JESUS - The Massacre of the Innocents & the Flight to Egypt
4. NAZARETH IN GALILEE - Some Seed Fell on Good Ground
5. LIFE OF THE SHEPHERD -- Jesus is the Good Shepherd
6. TABERNACLES & JERUSALEM 'S TEMPLE - My Eyes Have Seen Thy Salvation
7. THE OLIVE HARVEST - a Land of Olive Oil & Honey
8. THE VILLAGE LIFE OF WOMEN (I) -- At the Well, Jesus is the Water of Life
9. THE JORDAN RIVER, THE BAPTISM OF JESUS - and Behold, the Heavens were Opened
10. VILLAGE LIFE OF WOMEN (II) - Spinning & Weaving
11. BAKING BREAD & THE LORD'S PRAYER - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
12. THE SEA OF GALILEE - The Kingdom of Heaven is like Unto a Net
13. THE SHABBAT - Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One
14. THE BAR MITZVAH - About My Father's Business
15. STUDYING WITH THE RABBI - As Little Children
16. APPRENTICED TO A TRADE - He Grew in Spirit and was filled with Wisdom
17. TOWN LIFE OF THE RICH - The Eye of a Needle
18. THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS -- Jesus Overturns the Money Changers Tables
19. SPRINGTIME IN THE GALILEE - The Lilies of the Field
21. THE ASCENT TO JERUSALEM - The Road of the Good Samaritan
22. THE HARVEST FESTIVAL -- Giving Thanks to God
23. THE WHEAT HARVEST -- His winnowing fork is in his hand
24. THE GRAPE HARVEST -- This Cup is the New Testament in My Blood, Which is Shed For You
25. A WEDDING -- Of That Day and Hour No One Knows ... But My Father Only
26. JERUSALEM, THE FINAL DAYS - Not One Stone upon Another
27. LAST SUPPER -- This Is My Body that shall be Broken
28. CRUCIFIXION & ATONEMENT -- Then the Veil of the Temple was Torn in Two
29. BURIAL -- And he (Joseph) Rolled a Great Stone to the Door of the Sepulchre, and Departed
30. RESURRECTION - I Am With You Always, Even to the End Of Days.

Witness the Glory of God's Promised Land, Experience the World of our Lord.