Atlanta School Announces It’s Replacing The Pledge Of Allegiance With A More Inclusive Recitation
  • 6 years ago
An Atlanta school announced that it is replacing the daily Pledge of Allegiance with a more inclusive recitation.

 An Atlanta school announced on Tuesday that it is replacing the daily Pledge of Allegiance with a more inclusive recitation, reports WSB. "Over the past couple of years it has become increasingly obvious that more and more of our community were choosing to not stand and/or recite the pledge," Lara Zelski, principal of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School's elementary campus, wrote in a letter. "There are many emotions around this and we want everyone in our school family to start their day in a positive manner."  She stated that, in the coming months, the students and faculty will work together to create a replacement.  Zelski noted that the new morning pledge "will focus on students' civic responsibility to their school family, community, country and our global society."  Students who want to say the Pledge of Allegiance during the school day will be given the opportunity to do so. 