Elizabeth Warren Hints At 2020 Run

  • 6 years ago
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren may have hinted at her interest in running for president in 2020.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren may have hinted at her interest in running for president in 2020. 
According to The Daily Beast, she told the progressive "Netroots Nation" conference Friday, "We believe that in America every family deserves a fighting chance, and we're ready to fight as hard as it takes, as long as it takes, to deliver on that promise." 
"It won't be easy. We're going to have to fight uphill. Me? I'm going up that hill. And I hope you are, too.  And I hope that you'll reach your hand out and bring someone else along for the climb. Because we can only make it up that hill together," the Democrat added.  
Politico reports, Warren on Friday also visited Dillard University, a historically black school, with Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond. There, she blasted the criminal justice system, saying, "It's racist…I mean all the way. I mean front to back." 
The outlet notes that she also named Donald Trump as one factor that "had changed since her decision not to run in 2016."
A Suffolk University poll conducted in late April showed that she is the candidate most preferred by Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire, a state often regarded as a leading predictor.
She led the pack with 26 percent while former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders trailed with 20 percent and 13 percent, respectively. 
