• 6 months ago
On Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) questioned experts on protecting U.S. jobs during a Senate Finance Committee hearing.

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00:00 The concept behind the important work Senator Brown is doing. He is talking
00:05 about workers who have been laid off through no fault of their own. That's who
00:11 we're talking about here. And he is coming up with ideas to get those folks
00:16 back in the winner's circle. And he is pointing out that a lot of the programs
00:21 as he calls it is essentially losing insurance. You know you've lost things
00:26 are bad, everybody's hanging crepe. And Senator Brown is saying no that's not
00:30 the way we're gonna go. We're gonna talk about programs that get workers back in
00:34 the winner's circle. I'm proud to work with him. Okay I believe Senator Warren
00:44 is next but then Senator Blackburn would be next if nobody comes to hand. Senator
00:48 Warren. Thank You Mr. Chairman and thank you Senator Brown for your leadership on
00:53 these trade issues. It's so important to working people all across our country
00:57 and I completely support what you're doing here. You know for too long our
01:02 trade policy has been a global race to the bottom. Corporate lobbyists and trade
01:07 negotiators worked in back rooms to ink deals that lowered labor and
01:12 environmental standards and made it easier to offshore jobs. American workers
01:17 have had enough and finally some politicians in Washington are starting
01:22 to listen to those workers. But not everyone. House Republicans just
01:27 advanced a bill to extend the generalized system of preferences or GSP.
01:32 A program that lowered US tariffs on goods imported from certain countries
01:37 without requiring those countries to cut tariffs on our exports as well. And those
01:45 same Republicans oppose renewing the trade adjustment assistance program or
01:50 TAA that Senator Brown was talking about which helps American workers get back on
01:55 their feet when they lose their jobs due to trade. So I also would like to talk
02:00 about TAA and other policy tools that we have to protect US competitiveness and
02:06 workers. So let's just start with a little econ 101. Ms. Gill you're the
02:11 legal director of global labor justice so tell me when the US cuts tariffs and
02:17 imports more goods from abroad is it just a win-win for Americans? Thank you
02:26 Senator. No I think it's really clear that even with very careful
02:29 tailoring of programs gains from trade are not always equally distributed and
02:33 some workers do lose out. Okay so we have workers losing out when that happens and
02:38 this is basic economics that even free traders have to admit to. Some people
02:44 lose from trade. So what are we going to do about that? Number one we need to
02:48 protect our workers from unfair trade and that's why President Biden is
02:53 raising tariffs on massively subsidized Chinese imports like cars and computer
02:59 chips and steel and aluminum that undercut American workers. Number two we
03:05 need to invest in American competitiveness like we have with our
03:09 domestic semiconductor industry and clean energy manufacturing. But even with
03:14 all that some workers will lose their jobs due to trade and that is where TAA
03:19 comes in helping those workers find new jobs. Ms. Gill what does TAA mean for the
03:26 workers who receive it? As I noted in my remarks you know we believe that labor
03:32 justice begins here at home. We stand with the US labor movement to call for
03:38 TAA together with a renewal of GSP. TAA provides resources for retraining
03:44 workers who have lost their jobs due to trade. It provides sort of
03:48 extended unemployment insurance and some analysis of the program shows that about
03:53 ten years out workers who've received a helping hand from TAA have earned
03:58 $50,000 more than workers who haven't received the assistance. Okay so people
04:02 get training and as a result of the training they're actually able to get
04:06 good paying jobs and they're earning I think you said about 50,000 more a year
04:11 ten years out because they got some assistance after they lost their jobs.
04:16 You know since TAA lapsed in mid-2022 over a hundred thousand workers have
04:23 lost their jobs due to trade but have been unable to get these TAA benefits.
04:29 Meanwhile House Republicans advanced legislation renewing GSP which would
04:35 retroactively cut US tariffs already among the lowest in the world. Under this
04:42 Republican bill large businesses and importers who decided it was worth
04:46 paying a tariff to import goods from overseas as far back as three years ago
04:51 would get a windfall refund of 2.6 billion dollars. By the way that is five
04:59 times the cost of TAA. Ms. Gill I know there's a lot of work that we can do to
05:07 update GSP to raise labor and environmental standards in the
05:11 countries that benefit from it but wouldn't you agree that if we're going
05:15 to renew a tariff cut program like GSP we should also renew TAA? Simply put yes.
05:23 Yes yes I like that answer exactly right. You know thank you I appreciate this
05:29 American workers are sick and tired of the race to the bottom in trade and the
05:35 slashing of investments in our domestic economy and I'm glad that under
05:40 President Biden's leadership we're turning things around. Since he came into
05:45 office the United States has added 80,000 new manufacturing jobs but there
05:51 is still so much more to do. Over a hundred thousand American workers across
05:56 the country are waiting for Congress to renew TAA and to help them get back on
06:02 their feet. We owe it to them let's get this done. Thank You Mr. Chairman.
06:09 I was thinking about a modest filibuster in hopes that some of our other
06:15 colleagues but we've got very committed to trade policy for example Senator
06:20 Carper chairman of a key committee dealing with environmental issues has
06:24 been a champion on these issues and just is in the middle of it.
