Dog goes on adorably frantic search for owner during #whatthefluff challenge

  • 6 years ago

Tilly the Australian shepherd dog was thoroughly confused when her owner held up a sheet and promptly vanished behind it.

The video, filmed by Kara Miller of Tampa, Florida on June 19, shows Tilly running around the house and looking for her owner after she seemingly disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" Voices are heard teasing the panicked pup in the background.

This prank, involving dog owners holding up a sheet, stepping out of view and letting the sheet collapse – creating the illusion to their pets that they've vanished – has been dubbed the #whatthefluff challenge on social media. Many have experimented and shared the results online, with some dogs completely confounded by where their owner could possibly have gone, and others hilariously nonchalant about the apparent disappearance.