Art of the Deal Co-Author Says Trump 'Lacks A Soul'

  • 6 years ago
Tony Schwartz weighed in on President Trump's recent remarks about Kim Jong-un.

Tony Schwartz, the co-author of President Trump's book 'The Art of the Deal,' weighed in on Trump's recent comments defending North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Un.
The president recently called Kim a "very smart guy," and when Fox News' Bret Baier said that the North Korean leader has done some "very bad things," Trump responded, "yeah, but so have a lot of other people that have done some really bad things."
Reacting to Trump's remarks, Schwartz told MSNBC's Joy Reid on Saturday, "Only a person with no conscience could say that…That is deranged."
"He doesn't have empathy. I've been talking about this for a long time now, and I feel like it's extreme to keep repeating it, but also what we need to hear. He lacks a soul, and he lacks a heart," Schwartz also said about Trump.
Schwartz has been a vocal critic of the president.
Months ago, he said that Trump had "moved to a darker place." 
Schwartz, who claims to have spent "hundreds and hundreds of hours with Trump" doing research for the 1987 book, made the comment during an interview with The Nation after he was asked, "How different was Trump in the mid-'80s from the man we see now?" 
"I think that now he has moved to a darker place. He was non-ideological when I knew him...Today, I believe, he has adopted a pretty hard-right set of beliefs," the author noted about Trump at the Trump. "I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that he believes what he says now, and that's because his base, the people who still love and adore him, are on the far right—and that's what compels him the most."