Trump calls for UN reform ahead of maiden speech to world leaders

  • 7 years ago
US president Donald Trump says the United Nations is not living up to it’s ‘full potential’ due to a bloated bureaucracy and mismanagement.

At a special meeting on UN reform on Monday, Trump appealed for “burden sharing” in the face of global challenges encouraging members states to change the UN’s ‘business as usual approach.’

First Vice-President of the European Commission, FRANS TIMMERMANS

« I woul also be currious to know, how he (TRUMP) would see the role of a reformed UN in the future and I think that Europeans and Americans we share forndamental values, regardless of the administrations, are they here or in the European Union. We need to make sure that our fundametal values are projected on a world sclae and for that we need United Nations, a reformed United nations »

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres who is pushing for an overhaul of the UN bureaucracy said deep cuts to funding would create an ‘unsolvable problem’ for the world body.

CECILIA MALMSTROEM European Commissioner for Trade: « The new Secretary General Guterres is very committed to do reforms of the United Nations, and we are fully backing him on that but that cannot be in the direction of wickening the United Nations of course »

Trump is expected to call for a harder line on North Korea, Iran and Myanmar, when he addresses the UN General Assembkly for the first time on Tuesday.

US President Donald Trump makes his debut at the United Nations on Monday, with an address on UN reform as a week of intense diplomacy kicks off, dominated by worries about North Korea, Iran and Myanmar. About 130 world leaders are attending this year’s global gathering, but all eyes will be on Trump, whose “America First” agenda has alarmed both allies and foes. The UN’s number one financial backer, the United States has threatened deep cuts to UN funding that Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said would create an “unsolvable problem” for the world body.
Guterres, who is pushing for an overhaul of the UN bureaucracy, will also address the event at which leaders will sign a pledge of support for reform. France and Russia have reacted coolly to the US initiative, amid concerns that the US administration is focused more on cost-cutting than improving the UN’s performance. US Ambassador Nikki Haley was a driving force behind a $600-million-dollar cut to the UN peacekeeping budget this year. Haley on Friday pointed to the more than 120 countries that back the US-drafted political declaration on UN reform as a “miraculous number,” showing there is support for a “massive reform package” led by Guterres.

European Union representatives didn’t take part in the high level event, co-hosted by Germany and Slovakia among 14 country (United States, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Slovakia, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Uruguay). EU choose to back Guterres reform plan without participating as a way to strenghten the United Nation role.
Italy took part in the meeting without co-hosting among more than 100 countries. The crowded room has been greeted by the US Ambassador as a « good problem ».

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