Mobile Legends New Hero Wolf Hunter ROGER Gameplay with Best Build [MVP]

  • 7 years ago
Roger | Physical Emblem | Best Build Builld Gameplay [1.1.90] Inspire Battle Spells Roger Builds, Tips , and Gameplay Mobile Legends - Match Up Mode Last .
Mobile Legends: Roger, the Wolf Hunter - Live Gameplay- KDA: 9-5-13 Build: Demon Hunter Sword - Swift Boots - Haass Claws - Corrosion Scythe - Hunter .
Mobile Legends: Roger, the Wolf Hunter - Live Gameplay- KDA: 15-2-15 Build: Warrior Boots - Berserkers Fury - Haass Claws - Scarlet Phantom - Malefic Roar .
New Roger Skin Gameplay! OP HERO Mobile Legends So here we have some more gameplay of the new hero in mobile legends roger - dire wolf hunter! now .


