TOP 10 FASTEST TRAINS in the World! Collection of the 10 most rapid and expensive high speed trains
List of 10 fastest trains in the world are :
1. Japanese maglev L0series : the fastesrt train in the world with speed of 603km/h (374mph).it can cover a mile in just 10 seconds.
2. TGV, france : with the tests conducted in reached 574.8 km/h(357.2mph) making it the second fastest train in the world and first in europe.
3. Shanghai maglev : former world fastest train uses magnetic levitation technology to reach high speeds upto 501 km/h (311 mph).
4. CRH380A,China.
5. N700 series shinkansen, japan.
6. HEMU 430X, South korea.
7. Frecciarossa 1000, Italy.
8. TALGO 350 , spain.
9. ICE 3, Germany.
10. THSR 700T, Taiwan.
1. Japanese maglev L0series : the fastesrt train in the world with speed of 603km/h (374mph).it can cover a mile in just 10 seconds.
2. TGV, france : with the tests conducted in reached 574.8 km/h(357.2mph) making it the second fastest train in the world and first in europe.
3. Shanghai maglev : former world fastest train uses magnetic levitation technology to reach high speeds upto 501 km/h (311 mph).
4. CRH380A,China.
5. N700 series shinkansen, japan.
6. HEMU 430X, South korea.
7. Frecciarossa 1000, Italy.
8. TALGO 350 , spain.
9. ICE 3, Germany.
10. THSR 700T, Taiwan.