Deer rampages through Indiana café, knocking over tables and freaking out patrons

  • 8 years ago
ST. JOHN’S, INDIANA — A small restaurant was taken by storm by a deer who burst through the establishment with reckless abandon. Surveillance cameras caught the wild encounter on tape, which the owners later posted to Facebook.

The incident took place around 7 a.m. on Oct. 24, roughly an hour after the Aspen Café had opened. The video shows the deer leaping through an open window, and then crashing into tables and walls as it scrambled around the restaurant.

It was at that moment the owners of the restaurant, Gus and Bessie, said they heard a loud crash and went to investigate.

As can be seen in the footage, when the owners ran into the deer, they almost collided with each other.

Gus and Bessie jumped out of the path of the oncoming deer, who tried to jumped over a counter and failed, stumbling onto the floor. Noticeably stunned, the deer quickly bolted past café patrons and through another open window to freedom.

The restaurant staff used the surveillance footage as a fun marketing opportunity on social media, posting the video with the caption “Amazing food, even the wildlife wants a bite!”
