謝芊彤 x 謝芊蕾@小簡介

  • 8 years ago

Made In Hong Kong music festival facebook event:

謝芊彤 x 謝芊蕾小簡介:
謝芊彤是⾹香港⼀位網路創作歌⼿,風格為acoustic和pop,自2010年起於YouTube發佈⾃⼰所創作的歌曲,包括⼀⾸為2010年菲律賓⼈人質事件的⽣生還者所作的歌曲《往前》。此外,她亦曾參與「FAME我要⾼⾶飛」歌唱比賽、2011年樹仁⼤大學歌唱比賽、2011年大專聯校歌唱比賽、2011 年台灣墾丁春浪⾳音樂節春浪⾳樂創作⼤賽等,並獲得多個獎項。於2012至2013年間,與朋友組成樂隊,於「Fullcup Cafe 呼吸咖啡茶館」舉⾏小型⾳音樂會,其後逢星期⼀、三晚於Cafe舉行的Open Mic中。

ChinTung Tse is a local online singer and an independent songwriter in Hong Kong. She made her name locally known like other popular YouTube channels. ChinTung is a journalist student who loves music and singing and actively participates in different music contests. In singing contests held in both Hong Kong and Taiwan, she has won numerous awards throughout just a few years. Other than that, she always does covers and originals with her younger sister ChinLui Tse as well. She writes songs often in Mandarin and is typically inspired by social issues. She‘s a firm believer in that “Music can change the world”.

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