Protesters call for David Cameron to resign

  • 8 years ago
Protesters try to take over hotel with Cameron inside
PM vows to heed the lessons of the last week

Says he will publish his tax information

What is happening?

Rowdy protesters accusing British Prime Minister David Cameron of hypocrisy have tried to take over a London hotel where he was attending a Conservative Party meeting.

They blocked the street, waiving banners reading ‘He’s got to go’.

Delegates were advised to remove identification before leaving.

Protests outside 10 Downing Street against the Panama leaks scandal of British Prime minister David Cameron— Fe’reeha Idrees (@Fereeha) April 9, 2016

Protesters also converged on Downing Street, the prime minister’s official London residence.

Why are they angry with Cameron?

The “Panama Papers” leak gave details about the financial affairs of more than 200,000 offshore companies.

David Cameron’s late father Ian was revealed to have owned one of the firms involved.

However, it took
