Dutch call for greater sharing of intelligence

  • 8 years ago
An international meeting at the Europol HQ in the The Hague has heard a call for greater sharing of intelligence across borders including lists of suspected foreign fighters.

The conference which included representatives from the European Union, the United Nations and the US heard agencies must be innovative in intelligence gathering.

“When it comes to exchange of information, there has to be the confidence and the trust between the agencies to ensure that it’s not only the general knowledge, but precise names, precise travel plans, precise credit cards are exchanged on time,” explained Dutch Foreign Minister, Bert Koenders

The Dutch hope to boost the use of of data bases at the Interpol and Europol in the wake of weak communication before the Paris attacks in November in which 130 people were killed.

As well as monitoring social media the conference heard that agencies should be deepening method to include swapping of communications between militant suspects who also chat vi
