RC Sproul Debates Greg Bahnsen on Apologetics

  • 17 years ago


Bahnsen said: If you have only probability – if you have only probability that the Bible is the Word of God, or that God exists or all the rest – that must mean at least this – that while there are many reasons to think that the Bible is the Word of God, there are some to think that it’s not. As, if there were no reasons to think that the Bible’s not the Word of God, it wouldn’t be probability it would be certainty. And so when RC [Sproul] or any old Princeton Apologist says, “That very probably the Bible is the Word of God,” he is also saying there’s a slight probability that it’s not – slight. You may think the probability that it is, is greater than the other – although, I dare say, nobody knows how to rate probability, when it comes to those kind of arguments. So saying one is more than the other doesn’t get anywhere – everybody’s lost in a sea of skepticism – if it’s only probability. But even if you could say that there’s a greater probability that the Bible is the Word of God, than it’s not, you’re still saying that there’s some reason to think that it’s not.


Angus Gillespie – of the South Carolina Gillespies. You can know nothing for certain – empirically or inductively, correct? That’s what your saying? Then, you [RC Sproul] can’t know anything at all, for certain, right? It seems to me, though, that the Scripture – and here it get back to the same argument I suppose – that Scripture does say you can know certainly. That, over and over again, the Scripture writers say, “These things are written, so that you can know certainly.” And that are…we are…

You state that men know certainly that God exists. But you can’t know for certain, that men know ...