Points scoring or potential crisis? Two Koreas trade border accusations

  • 9 years ago
The North says South Korea started this latest shouting match with propaganda loudspeakers resuming broadcasts stopped for more than a decade.

The South retorts it was in response to a landmine attack on two border guards. The north says stop or we prepare for war.

The armistice border has been rarely quiet since the 1950s. In 2010 nearly 50 sailors died and an island was bombarded in the last serious exchanges.

The latest tension is another reverse for anyone in the South arguing for trying to revive talks with the North. And the propaganda from Pyongyang sounds more unrelenting than usual.

“They should not forget that the KPA military action means indiscriminate strikes which envisage even possible engagement and escalating counteraction”

How different is this latest rise in border tensions? Missiles may be used against one or all of the South’s 12 loudspeaker sites, but that in itself would hardly be a reason for war to resume.

More likely would be a tit-for-tat excha
