New posting system increases chances that Japanese ace Masahiro Tanaka will play in the MLB

  • 9 years ago
Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) and Major League Baseball (MLB) reportedly reached a basic agreement on a new posting system this past Wednesday

The MLB and NPB had been close to a deal earlier in the offseason. However, the MLB withdrew its proposal after it began to lose patience with its Japanese counterparts, who were taking too long to reach consensus among themselves. This happened because the Japanese players association rejected Nippon Professional Baseball's proposal for the new system, and threatened to jeopardize chances that 25-year-old Rakuten Eagles pitcher Masahiro Tanaka would sign with a major league team this winter.

It is thought that an agreement has been reached after the MLB requested a posting fee cap of $20 million. If multiple MLB teams bid the max they will all then vie in negotiations for Japanese players, unlike before, when the highest bidder had exclusive rights to negotiate. This would make it easier for small market teams to compete to sign Japanese players.

The Japanese players association has reportedly realized the advantages of the new system. They believe multiple teams will bid the maximum amount if Tanaka decides he wants to compete in the MLB.


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