Video: BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® Distillery Wins BREEAM Industrial Award

  • 9 years ago
If walls could talk at the BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® Distillery at Laverstoke Mill, they'd tell you that they once served the British Empire, that years of disuse did not diminish their architectural beauty, and that they now house one of the most forward-thinking, sustainable gin brands in the world, within.

Imagination became reality in Laverstoke, England, with the completion of the BOMBAY SAPPHIRE state-of-the-art distillery—the first distillery to win the prestigious 2014 Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM) Industrial Award—a momentous accolade for distillery and visitor centre in Laverstoke in Hampshire, England. BREEAM, the world's foremost environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings, evaluated the former paper mill's stately Georgian and Victorian structures, which date back to the 18th century, rigorously examined the newly refurbished facility for its sustainability practices and bestowed the highest marks to the project for the lowest possible environmental impact.

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