Britain's Queen "purred" with relief after Scottish referendum, British PM overheard saying in New York

  • 10 years ago

STORY: Britain's monarch is famously above politics, but Prime Minister David Cameron was overheard on Tuesday, saying Queen Elizabeth had "purred" with happiness when he phoned her to inform her Scotland had voted to reject independence.

In New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly, TV crews accidentally picked up remarks Cameron made to Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of the city, which are likely to embarrass Queen Elizabeth and the British leader.

"She purred down the line. I've never heard someone so happy," Cameron, whose Conservative Party campaigned for Scotland to stay in the United Kingdom, said of the Queen, according to BBC TV and Sky News.

Cameron also revealed he had been frustrated with pollsters who towards the end of the Sept. 18 referendum suggested the outcome would be close. In the event, Scots voted by 55-45 to reject independence.

"It should never have been that close. It wasn't in th
