EU dithers over implementation of sanctions against Russia

  • 10 years ago
EU envoys are to meet again today on when to implement new sanctions against Russia over its military involvement in Ukraine. Some members want more time to asses the viability of the truce.

However that decision may again be delayed as the next stage in the peace road map, agreed last week regarding the future status of eastern Ukraine, will take at least a few more days.

President Poroshenko says rebel held areas will be given special status.

“Next week a draft law will be submitted to Ukraine’s parliament. And I underline that the future of peace depends on it. This law ensures a peaceful bringing of these regions back under Ukrainian sovereignty,” said the Ukrainian president.

However Poroshenko’s olive branch to the rebels has been received with mistrust . Some in the Donetsk region say they will not abide by Kyiv rule over their region. They also say the ceasefire has come too late the destruction of their homes.

Latest reports say despite the fragile ceasefire there is been an increase in shelling and shooting from both sides.
