Wheelchair Bound Man Accused of Stealing Wallet and Handbags From Diners

  • 11 years ago
A 25-year-old wheelchair bound man, Matias Moreno-Boza has been accused of stealing numerous purses and wallets as he traveled through bars and restaurants in New york City. .

Talk about an unlikely suspect. A 25-year-old wheelchair bound man, Matias Moreno-Boza has been accused of stealing numerous purses and wallets as he traveled through bars and restaurants in New York City.

The disabled suspect, from New Jersey was recently arrested. All of the thefts occurred in the past month. Cash, credit cards, jewelry and an iPad were among the items stolen.

He would basically cruise by tables and unsuspecting victims and grab their belongings then roll away in the wheelchair with the goods. Moreno-Boza has now been charged with four counts of grand larceny.

The arrest comes after law enforcement released surveillance images of Moreno-Boza, who was captured pushing himself around in a wheelchair with silver wheels.

At his arraignment, Moreno-Boza claimed he has been confined to a wheelchair for the past five years, evasively citing the cause of the disability as an “incident”. His bail has been set at $50,000.

According to acquaintances of the suspect, Moreno-Boza is on governmental assistance.