Feet Deemed Least Sensual Body Part

  • 11 years ago
Of the 41 body parts ranked in order of their sexual appeal, feet came last place.

Of the 41 body parts ranked in order of their sexual appeal, feet came last place.

This was discovered through a survey of 800 people in the UK and South Africa.

The scientists who conducted the study were surprised by the results for a few reasons.

One was that the feet, which neuroscientists have been saying for years share a cerebral link with sexuality, fared so poorly.

Another had to do with how similar the responses were in the two countries.

The latter has made the scientists resolute in their belief that sensuality is a result of biology rather than cultural influence.

One of them expressed wonder at the fact that humans appear to find the same things alluring regardless of, “whether we are a white middle-aged woman sitting in a London office or a gay man living in a village in Africa."

As far as why, they’ve already determined it’s not a matter of available sensory receptors, as the back of the neck and the forehead have the same number, but elicit different responses when touched.

Learning more about that phenomenon is what the scientists hope to focus on next.