US 'late' to peace efforts-Kerry

  • 11 years ago
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters that the U.S. had been quote 'late' in helping to secure a plan to end Syria's civil war.

Kerry made the remarks during a news conference with the Polish Foreign Minister.


"This is a very difficult process, which we come to late. We are trying to prevent the sectarian violence from dragging Syria down into a complete and total implosion, where it had broken into enclaves and the institutions of the state have been destroyed by God knows how many additional refugees and how many innocent people killed."

Kerry's hope for a U.S.-Russia brokered peace conference between Syrian rebels and President Bashar al-Assad's regime has yet to be realized. Even as violence on the ground continues to intensify.

Some of the latest video from a social media website shows rebels attempting to bury their dead in freshly dug graves... when they themselves come under att