Utpal Banerjee entertainment vlogs

I want make every person happy & tension free.

At present, Life became very critical & hard. I want make that soft.

entertaining vlogs
tension free vlogs

@ utpal banerjee vlogs
Festival vlogs
real life vlogs
daily vlogs
bengali vlogs
hindi vlogs
happy go like vlogs
massanjore vlogs
jharkhand vlogs
child fun vlogs
tension-free vlogs

Voice & Anchoring .
My Own Voice & Anchoring

Utpal banerjee vlogs.

My Youtube Channel Link is given below.


Follow me on facebook ,
My Facebook Link is Given Below.


My passion is videography.
I can't live without videography.
I an single. I love children.

I am science graduate. I completed 2 year diploma in film acting.
From, National institutes of film & fine arts ( N.I.F.F.A )
Sitchuated at Kolkata,
Sate. West bengal.
Nation. India.