UK News In Pictures

We are an independent press agency based in the UK, we send news and pictures around the world. Every day, our content flows directly into the news, photographic and feature queues of the biggest newspapers and magazines across the globe.

It is an around the clock, real-time service at the coal-face of the industry. Newsdesks love us because we are first, fast and accurate. Picture desks love us because our photographs brighten up their day. Feature desks love us because we supply a steady stream of moving human interest stories.

UKNIP has a million-image archive and a thriving photo syndication department. We have hand-picked a brilliant network of photographers who supply us with astonishing images from all four corners of the world.

We provide a bespoke service for our corporate clients, tailored to meet their exact needs. Why not give us a call on 07549775333 or drop us an email with your next commission
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