Chris white

I hate the United States of America...
I have lived here my whole live and its time for a change, and upgrade if you will.

I'm trying my hardest, to find a way to move to Russia permanently, If you have any tips i would be happy to hear them... Basically I'm sick and tired of be fucked in the ass by this corrupt, Nazi style, regime/government! Ever sense my accident and far before I'v been sick of being told I'm not good enough to help, essentially by our illustrious friends in the local and federal governments... When this crisis in the U.S. started i was able to pull down a retail job at part-time (as pretty much everyone is now) making just over $7.00 per... grossing about $380 to $430 or so every two weeks depending on hours, this is obviously not enough to pay any real amount of bills, and yet everywhere i apply for assistance tell me that i make to much money... and I the wrong damn color or something? I mean honestly...

Why am I telling you all this? So to better explain my possition, To better explain my hatred, And to better explain why I am leaving no matter the cost! All the uneducated, ignorant cunts in this country love to say "If you don't like it, then leave" well by God, I'm going!
You idiots say America is free? CIA, NSA listening in on Xboxlive conversations, tapping your phones, looking at YOUR emails... yeah, real free! lol

Another thing, I hope every single one of the troops in Iraq comes home in a black bag, The illegal occupation of a sovereign nation for absolutly no reason is un-called for and i hope the freedom fighters in Iraq force the invaders out... USA is lossing in Iraq, and I LOVE it!
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