Susanne Pacher

What an early midlife crisis can do? 3 years ago I started the biggest adventure of my life: a travel website. Not only did it allow me to express myself creatively through articles, interviews, photography and web programming, this project also forces me to get out there on a regular basis and explore the world.

It's been fabulous so far, and I have seen exciting places such as Mexico City, Havana, New York City, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Sicily and Austria and so many more. Every time I visit a place new ideas pop into my head for a new dream destination.

I love to explore destinations up-close and really try to understand the culture and mentality of the region. I interact with the locals and often write about the people behind the destinations. Cross-cultural connections have fascinated me for a long time.

Join me on my journey - have a peak at my stories, interviews and travel advice articles on
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