Taylor Anstrom

1. I am a transgendered person. I was born a female and live my life as a male as I feel I have always been a male on the inside. I don't know why so many people find it neccesary to bash someone like me for being who I am. I didn't choose to be born this way. I just was. So please quit asking if I am a boy or a girl. Answer: I'm a boy!!

2. The person filming is not my mom. She is a friend who was visiting.

3. I do not recreationally abuse my medications. My most watched video is of me on Xanax and Ambien all fucked up.If you are watching this video I am acting is a result of the mixture of 1 Ambien pill, 1 Xanax pill, and 1 Seroquel pill which were prescribed.

4. I had anorexia at that point in my life and therefore I never ate during the day but at night after taking my bedtime pills I would sneak out into the kitchen and eat food.

4. How old are you gets asked a lot!! If you must know I am 42.
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