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ŽIVELA, SLOVENIJA! V izvedbi Martina Prevejšek ️
7 years ago
Our #AfricellNightLife event was back with a bang last weekend at the prestigious K3 Lounge on Lumley Beach Road, #SierraLeone .#Africell #BrandAmbassador
7 years ago
Uspeh je vedno rezultat pravilne izbire. Z izzivi se moraš pogumno soočiti in jih premagati. Slovenija je močna in je lahko uspešna. #SDSzate
7 years ago
Postopke za gradbeno dovoljenje bomo poenostavili in skrajšali. V 30 dneh do gradbenega dovoljenja! #SDSzate
7 years ago
ŠOKANTNI POSNETEK NAJUSODNEJŠEGA GLASOVANJA V SLOVENSKI ZGODOVINITemeljni ustavni akt smo 25.6.1991 sprejeli soglasno. Tako je vsaj danes prepričanih 99% Slove
7 years ago
Gibrilla Koroma is a traditional musician from Bo. In this short film, he shares his experiences.Is enough being done to support traditional music in Sierra L
7 years ago
Še en utrinek s snemanja spota za komad Lajf je moj! Že komaj čakaš, da vidiš celega? :) Odštevamo zadnje dneve ...
7 years ago
Earlier today in Freetown. -The commissioning of the newly constructed Freetown west Regional Police Headquarters. (20th November, 2015)
7 years ago
Ambassador Maria Brewer wishes everyone a happy U.S. Independence Day.
7 years ago
MALI-Bamako:- The Mali hotel attack. (Developments so far)+++++Local news reports claim the gunmen arrived at the hotel in a vehicle with a diplomatic pass.
7 years ago
One of Sierra Leone’s longest serving secondary school principals retires today after thirty-three years in charge of the Sierra Leone Grammar School. Akinwande
7 years ago
In continuation of our support of Sierra Leone music and of course our amazing Brand Ambassadors, we are sharing the official video to 'Vanity', which was re
7 years ago
Ok! Good morning!
7 years ago
Keke rider Kindo Armani offers passengers a free ride if they pass his malaria quiz. Will they get the free keke ride?Find out in our new malaria public servi
7 years ago
In continuation of our support of Sierra Leone music and of course our amazing Brand Ambassadors, we are sharing the official video to 'Vanity', which was re
7 years ago
Juliana Jumu is a midwife at the Community Health Center in Petifu Junction, Loko Masama Chiefdom, Port Loko District.Watch this short video as she takes us t
7 years ago
SIERRA LEONE:- WAITING For JUSTICE ?(The Pademba Road Prison, Freetown)+++The prison was built to house 220 prisoners in the pre-independence era and now hol
7 years ago
In this video, staff of the U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone talk about our American Spaces program. We have a library at the U.S. Embassy that is open to the publi
7 years ago
SIERRA LEONE:- WAITING For JUSTICE ?(The Pademba Road Prison, Freetown)+++The prison was built to house 220 prisoners in the pre-independence era and now hol
7 years ago
SIERRA LEONE:- WAITING For JUSTICE ?(The Pademba Road Prison, Freetown)+++The prison was built to house 220 prisoners in the pre-independence era and now hol
7 years ago
Laurie J. Meininger, former Deputy Chief of Mission U.S. Embassy Freetown, Sierra Leone enters into retirement after over 15 years of public service. The embas
7 years ago
Africell Predict and Win World Cup 2018 Show
7 years ago
SIERRA LEONE:- WAITING For JUSTICE ?(The Pademba Road Prison, Freetown)+++The prison was built to house 220 prisoners in the pre-independence era and now hol
7 years ago
#FakeNews. #Misinformation. How do you spot it? In this short video, Edward Kargbo shares some tips. We would like to hear your experiences dealing with misin
7 years ago
SIERRA LEONE:- WAITING For JUSTICE ?(The Pademba Road Prison, Freetown)+++The prison was built to house 220 prisoners in the pre-independence era and now hol
7 years ago
We hope you listened to these brilliant ladies a couple weeks ago as they discussed Sexual Reproductive Health for Teenage Girls on your one and only #Africell
7 years ago