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KHAJURAHO...A STORY OF A LIFE AND LOVE | खजुराहो...जीवन और प्रेम की कहानी | #‎@Marvelsandmysteries 

Living evidence of a thousand years old civilization, which reflects the rich culture, which reflects the Tantra Sadhana, Kama, Moksha, Empire, Bravery, Dharma and Prosperity, behind which the secrets and stories are heard even today.,

The historical backdrop of Khujraho is around 1,000 years of age. The most seasoned known force of Khajuraho in its domain was Vatsa. Their replacements in the locale incorporated the Sunga,'s, the Kushan's, the Naaga's of Padmavti, the Vakataka administration, the Guptas, the Pushyabhutis, the Morya-Gadariyas, the Gurjar-Pratihaar line and the Chandela-Baghel tradition. It was especially during the Gupta time frame that engineering and workmanship started to prosper in the locale, however their replacements proceeded the imaginative tradition. The city was the primary capital of the Chandela realm.

Chandra varman was the organizer behind the Chandella line and Khajuraho. Chandra varman was a lord who managed in Bundel khand in the middle age period. They viewed themselves as Chandravanshi. The Chandela lords controlled focal India from the tenth to the twelfth hundred years.

The sanctuaries of Khajuraho were worked by these Chandella rulers between 950 Promotion and 1050 Promotion. After the development of the sanctuaries, the Chandellas moved their funding to Mahoba. Yet, even after this, the significance of Khajuraho remained.

The middle age court writer Chandbardai has portrayed the beginning of the Chandelas in the Mahoba part of Prithviraj Raso. He has composed that Hemavti, the girl of the Rajpundit of Kashi, was the holder of exceptional magnificence. On one occasion she was cleaning up in a lake loaded with lotus blossoms on a mid year night. Seeing her magnificence, Ruler Chandra was interested by her. He came to earth in human structure and taking bath in a pond full of lotus flowers on a full moon night. The Moon God Chandrama got fascinated with her beauty and approached her, Tragically Hemvati was a widow. She was the mother of a youngster. He blamed Chandradev for obliterating his life and character death.

To make up for his misstep, Chandra Dev guaranteed Hemvati that she would become the mother of a daring child. Chandradev said that he ought to take his child to Khajurpura. They said that he would make an incredible ruler. On turning into the lord, he will get numerous sanctuaries constructed encompassed by nurseries and lakes. Chandradev let Hemvati know that on turning into the ruler, your child would coordinate a gigantic yagya, which would wash away the entirety of your wrong doings. Adhering to Chandra's guidelines, Hemvati passed on her home to bring forth a child and brought forth a child in a little town.

Chandravarman, the child of Hemvati, was as splendid, valiant and strong as his dad. At sixteen years old he could kill a lion or a tiger without a weapon. Seeing the remarkable gri