Play Doh Rainbow

Play doh and Peppa Pig is often a compound useful for modeling by children. This compound was originally manufactured to remove coal stains from wallpapers in Cincinnati, when some children started using it for modeling. It was then re-manufactured and improved for the purpose of modeling then soldout to schools. The compound is harmless to children but could be dangerous to pets as it contains excessive salt which could lead to salt imbalance when they consume the compound. Therefore ought to be kept away from pests.
Play doh toys are appropriate for children to experience with they're fun and could be utilised by children of any age. Play doh toys are usually purchased from shops but tend to too be made at home. All you need are 1cup salt, 2 cups flour, 2 cups tepid to warm water, 2 table spoon vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon cream of tartar and you're prepared to go. Mix them together and warmth them over a pan until it's not sticky.
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