Fausto Intilla

Fausto Intilla, inventor and scientific popularizer, is of Italian origin but lives and works in Switzerland (Ticino County). In the editing sector, he made his debut in 1995 with “Journey beyond this life” (ed. Nuovi Autori, Milano), a captivating science fiction story which witnesses the polyhedral nature of the author.His last books are: "Dio=mc2" and "La funzione d'onda della Realtà", both published by "Lampi di Stampa", Milan.English books by F.Intilla: "The Synchro Energy Project, beyond the Holographic Universe" (Lampi di Stampa, Milan; publication previewed for November 2007). In the field of inventions, however, his name is linked to the “Tree Structure” , one of the most popular anti-seismic structures for bridges and viaducts patented in Japan and in the United States (see: www.uspto.gov) . His e-mail address is: f.intilla@bluewin.ch; his postal address is: Fausto Intilla, via Camoghè, 6593 Cadenazzo,Ticino County, Switzerland.

Intilla, is also the creator of “Principle of Quantum Compensation of Subconscious Nucleuses”. Such Principle, declares that: “For any voidance of any subconscious nucleus, principally defined by determined human expectations-convictions, there is a determined collapse of the electron’s wave function (which defines the reality that shapes around the subject-individual), leading to a positive or negative outcome, depending on the relative intensity of the subconscious nucleus of the subject-individual under question”.
His research on subconscious nucleuses and the experiments proposed by him for the verification of such Principle, have been taken into consideration by several research groups in both Europe and the United States;one of these is the renowned P.E.A.R. laboratory (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) situated in New Jersey, USA.

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