
Richard knows a little bit about everything, and every
thing about a few things. One thing he
knows everything about is online marketing and how to
make money with the internet. He’s tried
his hand and his luck at so many different pursuits over
the years, he's accumulated huge
amounts of knowledge and developed an expertise that
can only come with long experience.
Now, he makes it his business to help others, because he
feels like the best way to
reach his goals is to help others reach theirs. It’s his passion
to use his vast experience to
support others and give them guidance, while they explore
the strange and disorienting world of
online business. He’s gone through the same struggles and
adversities as any newcomer to
online marketing and come out on top, so now his mission
is to share what he’s learned and
make the path a little smoother and simpler for everybody,
whether they’re just stepping on to it
for the first time or been walking down it for a while
straining to find the signposts.