Jim Crenshaw

A variety of topics from around the internet. Some videos are mine but most are not. Most anything I would like to share with you already exists in a video that indeed would most likely be better than I could make from scratch covering the same subject. Some things I have learned along my way in this life:

• Everyone has a right to be an idiot. Some people abuse the privilege

• The problem with some people is that their education has far exceeded their level of intelligence

• Its best to keep in mind not to let your zeal out pace your knowledge of the facts

• If you think you know how the world works your chances of being right are less than 15%

• If you believe in the concept of the ends justify the means you have most likely sinned against your fellow man and God

• Before you take something from someone or destroy something you cannot rebuild or replace, It is advisable not to do so

• Best intentions are usually the source of the greatest harm you can do to another person

• If you are a “Christian” who sends cards on Valentines Day, hunts Easter eggs, trick or treats and puts up a Christmas tree and decorations…you don’t get it

• If you think that the “money” you have in your pocket is really “cash” then you have been fooled

• Sometimes the most important thing you can ever hear is what has not been said

• A different set of facts are also known as lies

• There is only one political party in the United States, I stopped voting because I refuse to encourage criminals

• If everyone you know thinks like you do, it does not make what you think correct or just

• If you really want to learn, seek out opposing views, information and opinions or you will remain ignorant

• At all time and in everything question. Then question that answer. Then question that answer. Do that always
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