Master Chris Leong Official

Master Chris Leong is one of Malaysia's leading bone setting specialist utilising TCM methods. Passionate in making people feel & recover better. Passion breeds happiness & happiness breeds positive energy & positive energy brings speedy recovery!
What we can treat :-
1) Frozen Shoulder
2) Knee Pain ( Misalignment )
3) Back Pain
4) Slip Disc
5) Sprains
6) Injuries from Sport
7) Stiff / Sore Neck
8) Scoliosis (below the age of 21 and not over than 40% degree)
9) Dislocated Joints
10) Kyphosis Lordosis ( Hunch Back )
11) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ( Wrist Problem )
12) Trigger Finger
13) Migraine ( Due to Posture Issues )
14) Collarbone Fracture
15) Long / Short Legs ( Due to Misalignment of the Pelvis Bone )
16) Heel Spur
17) Jaw Misaligned ( TMJ )
What conditions that we can't treat are :-
1) Stroke
2) Ankylosis Spondylitis
3) Paralysis
4) Birth Defects ( such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, etc. )
5) Scoliosis more than 40%
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