Lazuk Hasan

Hey guys, How are you?

Want to know about me? I'm Lazuk Hasan, Internet Marketer with over 7 years experience in Traffic Generation.

I am also a part-time lecturer and I love blogging. Teaching is my passion and I love doing the podcast, video courses and tutorials on various subjects.

I am here to share you my experience on what I know and what works for me. I am a Search Engine Optimization Expert, Social Media Marketer and a Workaholic guy basically :)

Hopefully you’ve heard a little bit about me before. Hopefully all good. So why am I the guy to follow?

I've built multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses for my clients and myself. I teach the same marketing ideas I've taught to my clients and coaching students, here on Udemy. I love delivering as much value as I can UP FRONT. So you can see where I'm heading with this...

I'm on a journey right now, wanna join me?


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