






Welcome to Hare and Ke Days channel!

The aim of this channel is to introduce a traditional Japanese food called ‘Washoku’.
We value the safety and security of food and use the organic ingredients and additive-free seasoning as much as possible.

We hope to build the sound and healthy body and mind of viewers by showing the recipe and taste of authentic Japanese cuisines.

Our recipe is based on the taste of Kyushu region in Japan and we also plan to try baking cakes and breads from time to time.

The channel name ‘Hare and Ke’ is defined by Kunio Yanagida, a Japanese folklorist in the 1930s and the word reflects a traditional concept of time and space of Japanese people.
‘Hare’ is a word for special days and places used for celebratory events whereas ‘Ke’ refers to ordinary everyday life. Japanese people have distinguished ‘Hare’ day and ‘Ke’ day and enjoyed such changes and contrasts in the everyday life.

When it comes to daily meals, eating something good and beneficial to our bodies on ‘Ke’ days will enable us to fully enjoy eating and drinking any kinds on ‘Hare’ days.
We believe that such kind of diet habits are important to our healthy and sustainable life and that is why the cannel is called Hare and Ke Days .
@hare_and_ke_day さんはまだプレイリストを作成していません