Gregory de Maria

Born and raised in Paris, Greg spent his early years studying fine arts in a multicultural European environment. He graduated from the prestigious visual art school Gobelins in 2000, mastering graphic design and visual animation. He then pursued his passion for filmmaking by studying in the famous ENS Louis-Lumière.

Early on, Greg decided to explore international opportunities. In 2001, he began his career as a graphic designer in New York working for The Attik.

He then came back to Paris to spend some time working on movies as a freelancer, establishing himself as a cutting-edge art director for visual communication and advertisement.

Continuing his ascension, Greg jumped on the opportunity to come back to New York in 2005 to work as an art director for Resident, which, at the time, was a brand new creative studio based in Chelsea.

It was during this time that Greg conceptualized and directed a bunch of side projects including music videos and short films, some of which are on the site while others are wrapping up.

He is now focusing on his directorial career and seeks to develop unique and remarkable works. As an artist, he constantly researches creative ways to convey meaning, using his aesthetic and sensitivity to enhance various clients' requests.

As a new emerging director, Greg’s motivation and endless thirst for filmmaking are impressive. He spends most of his time thinking of and looking for distinctive ways to tell stories through multiple artistic methods.

Greg’s approach is very hands-on: He pays close attention to every detail. His extensive knowledge in visual effects allows him to assure a smooth transition between the shoot and post-production.

He recently made the final cut for the SHOOT magazine's 2010 New Director's Showcase! He has been selected into the 32 best upcoming Directors of the year.

Greg is currently based in New York, but is willing to travel around the globe.