Get More Offers

As you know, in order to get your house in the MLS, you must have a Realtor® enter the listing. This is because the Multiple Listing Service is a private database owned by the local real estate boards that the public cannot access. In 2005, real estate broker, Keith Gordon, and his partner, Erin Knorr, decided it was high time that the public could list a home on the MLS without having to pay a 6% full service real estate agent, especially if they were willing to do a lot of the work an agent would normally do. It was then that GetMoreOffers®.com (ADDvantage Real Estate Network, LLC) was born.

In order to offer this type of service, the owners knew that advanced software would be the #1 priority since automation would be critical to efficiency. It was with this vision that they began the journey to build the best real estate listing software in the industry, now known as
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