
Recent performances by Arkajolie aka General Arka.

Arkajolie aka General Arka is a theorist, experimental musician and performance artist currently based in France, member of the Floating Projects collective in Hong Kong. She works with extended vocals, winds, percussion and movement and integrates free improvisation with primeval, martial arts and conceptual performance elements. She has performed solo and with musicians and dancers such as Lars Akerlund, Caligine aka DJ Kimchi, Dennis Wong, Takayuki Kato, Yoshimoto Yumiko, Kimura Yu, Takeda Kenichi, Liu Fangyi and Lee Shi-Yang.

With Hungarian dancer Emese Kovacs, she recently developed the iterative performance STRINGFIGURES in Budapest . With French writer Remi Marie she founded GENERAL HUMANITY, an online platform for performance, dance, music, visual art, political activism and theoretical research.  

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