The Sahara desert Economy Academy

The Desert Action Association:
Dakhla International Congress on Desert and Sahara Economy Development:
The 3rd edition of the International Congress on the Desert Economy:
The ultimate purpose is to be a scientific and multidisciplinary platform on desert and Sahara economy development, in order to contribute effectively to the good governance and in the sustainable development of desert regions, by stimulating meetings between all stakeholders on a global scale, with a view to fostering cooperation and partnership, among (Sahara) desert countries (Africa, the Gulf States, the United States of America, China, Australia...), with the aim of creating a conducive environment to the exchange of experiences, expertise and innovation, around themes related to desert economy, such as: Tourism and travel industry, agriculture, renewable energy, raw materials, transportation and logistics, sea and ocean economy, technology and innovation, entertainment and sport economy, cultural and intangible heritage, nature and environment...Thus, this edition entitled “Energy Economics between Deserts and Oceans. ”, will be held on February 23th and 24th, 2021 in Dakhla-Morocco, and will be devoted to addressing general issues on desert (Sahara) economy. The International Congress on Desert Economy – Dakhla (ICDED), is annually co-organized by the National School of Business and Management (ENCG) of Dakhla-Morocco and the Regional Council of Dakhla Oued Eddahab.
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