Bengal Hour

Bengal Hour is a part of Dewan Biz (OPC) Pvt Ltd. Bengal Hour stands for those values which are prominent, authentic and trendy (PAT). This News portal maintains all the journalism ethics that Indian Law suggests. We hate yellow journalism extremely. We, as a team first appeared on YouTube under the same name ‘Bengal Hour’ in 2018. After one year we had launched our website for those subscribers who loves to read.

In this age of infotainment, we are trying to produce contents which are Headline or EXCLUSIVE worthy. We know the value of our viewers' time and that is why we have decided to go on this way. Less content with value impact on society is our USP. Our CEO Mr. Kamalesh Dewan, a former employee of CNN-IBN, is trying to build a culture of value and ethics of reporting without thinking ROI. We work for the society including huge amount of CSR. Be with us and help us with your valuable suggestions.
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